Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Financial Help For Your Artist Friend

Sometimes we who do art for our income can fall into a hole financially. Sometimes we find ourselves in a crisis and in need of monetary assistance. Well, in this post I am going to lead you to some financial help for your artist friend.

There are institutions out there that are willing to give monetary aid specifically to folks who do art. They give this aid in the form of grants, emergency relief and funding. Below is a small list of these institutions and the kind of assistance give.

You can make sure your artistic acquaintance is aware of them. That would make a really nice gift.

The Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation has two programs. One that's a support grant that's given to individuals annually and another that is an emergency grant to assist in case of a crisis.

GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform where creatives can go and get their projects funded by ordinary people.

Kickstarter is  a well known crowdfunding platform where art creators can get the money they need for their prjects.

The Harpo Foundation is dedicated to supporting creatives by offering grants and fellowships.

This is just a few of the organizations that you can point your art creator to that can give them a hand with their finances.